../Ich glotz TV
Nicht nur Nina Hagen schaute 1978 in die Roehre, auch ich glotz
TV(Youtube-Link) wenn mir danach ist. Dabei hilft mir seit Jahren
ein Wrapper-Skript, welches Daten von Kodinerds
mit dem Inhalt der Zwischenablage kombiniert und als Senderauswahl
praesentiert (auf obigem Screenshot wird anstelle von dmenu
ein Terminal mit fzf
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Requirements : dmenu, mpv, yt-dlp, xclip
# configuration {{{1
# the videoplayer used to view the stream (or video-URL)
player="mpv --no-resume-playback"
# the program used to select the stream (or video-URL)
chooser="dmenu -b -i -l 10"
# the online location of the file-list
# where to store the list local
# no need to change anything below this line {{{1
tmpchannels=$(mktemp /tmp/watchtv-tmpchannels_xxxx)
trap housekeeping 1 2 3 6
housekeeping() {
rm "${tmpchannels}"
# grab data from kodinerds (kudos)
if [[ ! -f "${filename}" ]]; then
wget -O "${filename}" ${filesource}
# only update when file is older than 6 hours
file_time=$(stat --format='%Y' "$filename")
current_time=$(date +%s)
if (( file_time < ( current_time - ( 60 * 60 * 6 ) ) )); then
echo "$filename is older than 6 hours. Updating..."
wget -O "${filename}" ${filesource}
# add clipboard content to selection
echo "clipboard :: $(xclip -o | head -n 1)" > ${tmpchannels}
sed '1d' "${filename}" | paste - - | cut -d, -f 2- | sed 's/^\(.*\)\(http.*\)$/\1::\ \2/;s/\s\+/\ /g' >> ${tmpchannels}
# finally: select and play
channel=$(cat "${tmpchannels}" | ${chooser})
play=$(echo "${channel}" | sed 's/^.*::\ //')
if [[ "${play}" = "" ]]; then
exit 0
echo "${play}" | xclip -i
${player} "${play}"
# modeline {{{1
# vim: set et sw=2 ts=2 fdm=marker: